Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello all, Let me introduce myself. I am C mom of E(actually G but I dont believe in giving nicknames as real names) and S( I learned the first time if you want the kid to be called something just give her that name!). I am 30 years old and the youngest of all of the moms of my 5 yo but oldest of moms of all my 14 month old, funny how that works. I graduated hs, went to college, got married and got a job like I was supposed to. Strange how even  though that is how you are "supposed" to do it no one else seems to do it that way. I feel surprisingly alone.  I was 24 when I got married, 25 when I had my first baby and 29 when I had my 2nd. I have 1 friend who was my age when she had her first baby and her son was an oopsie baby. People assumes since we were so young E(or G) was an oopsie baby. But, I wanted her so badly. I would not change a thing about her sassy little self. I wanted that baby. I knew the second I was pregnant with her. I felt something was different. I tested # times before I got the +. I knew it. At first I was ashamed. What would my parents think. It took the wisdom of my 90 yo grandfather to snap me back into place "well, they are married so is ok". Love you and miss you GGM. Well I sign off for the night I will be back to discuss DD2 or S as well as other stuff.

<3 peace out girl scouts!

With Love,